Sunday, June 1, 2008

My Good Friend

What a joy it is to spend a day with someone you truly love and appreciate. I can't think of a better way to spend a day. Today Max and I headed to grab coffee and then to climbing. My favorite barista was aghast at the espresso technique of course... "30 pounds of pressure!", his mind screams as the person who made my drink (I dare not call him a barista) taps down the grounds. And little do I know, but instead of a beautiful vanilla latte, I received a steaming hot cappucino. No complaints. I don't know enough to be aghast. I'll leave it to my coffee slinger friend.

We started climbing when it was shady and overcast. Really perfect climbing weather. Better that than being roasted in the sunshine. I'm so happy that I'm climbing at the level I am climbing at now. Max leads 10's and I follow. He's my wonderful ropegun. And I his little belay monkey. Wait. That's an insult. I'm no belay monkey. I'm a seasoned climber and don't you forget it. I will lead some. I promise. I love climbing with him. I just get on the rock and breathe in the air and climb. He is so encouraging and he trusts me. I am smiling.

When we came back home, he played music and we sang together a bit. So rich and beautiful. I love it. I really enjoy his presence. He knows me. There is no substitute for that. You know? Someone that knows you. There is a balance with us. A positive exchange. Priceless.

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